July / August F.A.R.M. Club Newsletter
Time sure does fly! There’s only one month until our Club show “Old Machinery Days”! Our show set up day is Sunday September 11th beginning at 1 pm. Our Club picnic will be at 5pm (DON’T FORGET A SIDE DISH TO SHARE), followed by our meeting at 6pm. If you plan on attending the picnic, you must RSVP to Stephanie Rolke at 513-236-0854 or steph217@fuse.net NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 3rd.
Our Tractor Trek was a huge success! The donations were divided up between the Goshen Fire Department, for tornado relief, the Morrow free store and the Jump Start Program. A big thank you to Ernest McCandless for heading up the ride!
We are still taking applications for our Jump Start Program for club members ages 14 to 18 years old. If you have an agriculture project like a tractor, plow, garden tractor ect., that you might need a little financial help on. If you are chosen, the FARM Club will provide 25% of the cost up to $500. Please visit our website www.thefarmclub.org for information and rules or call Jim Hurst at 513-623-4183 or 513-877-2765.
Our tractor pulls are opening up to children under the age of 14 to pull full size tractors, as long as they can pass a skills test. The final decision will be up to the directors. The youth pulling rules are on our website.
Our fun pull will be Saturday August 13th at Oeders Lake at 9 am, weather permitting. I will send out an e-mail if anything changes.
August 13th – Fun Pull, Oeders Lake, 9 am weather permitting
August 20th – Cardboard Boat Regatta, Oeders Lake 10 am
August 27th- Lynchburg Tractor Pulls 9 am
September 11th- Show set up 1 pm
September 11th – Club Picnic 5pm You must RSVP no later than September 3rd (DON’T FORGET A SIDE DISH TO SHARE).
September 11th – Club Meeting 6pm
September 15th -18th – Old Machinery Days
If you have any questions, please contact one of our directors:
Garrett Guard: 513-313-5545 or filterferrytwo@gmail.com
Chris Rolke: 513-236-8053 or cjrolke@fuse.net
Dave Siebert: 937-603-4233 or davesiebert77@gmail.com
Stephanie Rolke, treasurer, 513-236-0854 or steph217@fuse.net
Regina Flynn, secretary. 513-266-7414 or flynn_regina@yahoo.com
Club Secretary